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Running a && b starts b after a finished successfully. a & b starts a, moves it to the background and starts b right away.

Running commands


Here is a traditional way of launching both frontend and backend applications.

In your terminal open up this root directory todo-scratch

Traditional (Using 2 terminals)

1. Start back-end server & connect to database

In terminal # 1, at project root directory, run the following commands one at a time, in order:

cd server # change directory to server
npm i # install dependencies
npm start # start server

2. Start front-end todo application

In terminal # 2, at project root directory, run the following commands one at a time, in order:

cd client # change directory to client
npm i # install dependencies
npm start

Consolidated commands

So, the same operations above can be somewhat simplified as 2 commands, 1 in each terminal. 2 Terminals are still needed.

cd server && npm i && npm start
cd client && npm i && npm start

After dependencies have been installed

To make it convenient to launch apps in the future, an extra script is included. Now, you can run both of the following commands in client directory for future launches. 2 Terminals are still needed.

npm run start-server # we want the backend to be up first, so run this first in terminal # 1
npm start # we can start the app second, and a new browser window/tab should open and load http://localhost:3000/

Using npm package concurrently

In your terminal open up this root directory todo-scratch.

With concurrently installed as a dependency (npm i concurrently), you can set up some scripts at the project root directory, so that you just need 1 command to set up both frontend and backend apps, and 1 command to start both frontend and backend apps in 1 terminal.

Add the following scripts:

  "scripts": {
"start": "concurrently 'npm run server' 'npm run client'",
"setup": "npm install && concurrently 'npm run install-server' 'npm run install-client'",
"install-client": "npm install --prefix client",
"install-server": "npm install --prefix server",
"client": "npm start --prefix client",
"server": "npm start --prefix server"


In your terminal at root directory, you only need to use 1 terminal and 2 commands.

1. Get set up

Installing all dependencies for root, client, and server directories:

npm run setup

2. Start app

After dependencies have been installed, run following command to start the app!

npm start

Which way do you like more?