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I know this is poorly written. I'm just jotting down notes real quick even if they are not coherent. Hope to come back to this soon!

const sorry = "excuse my mess"

Getting started

There's some basic instructions on how to get started with Redis in Node.js here, but I feel like the documentation can be improved.

You definitely need to experiment to be able to use the API correctly.

await client.hSet('user-session:123', {
name: 'John',
surname: 'Smith',
company: 'Redis',
age: 29

let userSession = await client.hGetAll('user-session:123');
console.log(JSON.stringify(userSession, null, 2));
"surname": "Smith",
"name": "John",
"company": "Redis",
"age": "29"

Using HGET

The examples use HSET, HGETALL, but why not HGET?

Turns out I'm not the only one who ran into this problem.

The problem remains unanswered, and this SO question is also unanswered.

These are all different questions, but they all hint at the much needed clarity from the official docs.

Redis Node - Get from hash - Not inserting into array

Maybe this would be the solution?