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Getting started

To check if Python is installed on your system and is accessible in the PATH environment variable, run:

python --version

For example:

joey@Joeys-MacBook-Pro ~ % python --version
zsh: command not found: python
joey@Joeys-MacBook-Pro ~ % python3.10 --version
Python 3.10.9

To only check if Python3.10 is accessible in the PATH, run:

joey@Joeys-MacBook-Pro ~ % which python3.10

This command will output the path to the python3.10 executable if it is installed and accessible in the PATH environment variable. If the command does not produce any output, it means that python3.10 is not accessible in the PATH.

If Python is installed but not accessible in the PATH, you can add its installation directory to the PATH environment variable by running the following command:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/python/bin